Chuck Tannlund --  4

More photos from Chuck's collection.

Chuck in Larry Albedi's Aston Martin DB3S.  (Photo by Pete Biro)

Chuck on the Aston:    "This pic of me in the DB3S was taken at Vaca Valley Raceway.  The only other time I drove the car was at the Stockton Airport course.  It was at there that I beat Rod Carveth in his new Aston Martin DBRS."

Larry didn't like this car and sold it to Dave Christoforsen after the Vaca outing."

At Kent, Washington in 1963 Chuck listens as Dan Gurney describes cornering lines, or something.

(Photo by Pete Biro)

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All photographs and text are the property of the photographer, Tam McPartland, and Chuck Tannlund and are protected under United States and international copyright laws.  All rights are reserved and the images and/or text may not be digitized, reproduced, stored, manipulated, and/or incorporated into other works without the written permission of the photographer, Tam McPartland, and Chuck Tannlund.